What is Cannabis Pain Patch?

August 7, 2020

If you have been following the world, you would find out that recently, there has been a surge in cannabis-infused or cannabis-related products. This range from edibles, concentrates, hash, CBD Oils, cartridges, and more, and it is currently impossible not to find cannabis-related items marketed both in online and offline stores. One of these products may be known as the cannabis patch.

Cannabis patch has been intelligently made to provide help to users with Common pain, diabetic neuropathy, fibromyalgia, and other diseases that give off excruciating pains. The question is if products like cannabis patch are just another way of companies taking advantage of the cannabis industry or does it really work in relieving users of pain?

Can Cannabis Help Nerve Pain?

If you really love cannabis, you would have already had the answers to that, but does a patch have the same ability as when you light a blunt or when you orally ingest it? According to Mary Medicinals and Cannabis Science Inc., the answer is yes.

When you experience body pains, it is very easy to find out what causes the pain however with other medical conditions such as fibromyalgia, you are most likely not to find the cause of the pain. This type of pain can just appear out of the ordinary sending victims tingling sensations and a sharp pan. And if one does not know what is causing that pain, they keep going with solutions that are not all that effective.

This is where your patch comes into play. Apart from the fact it is affordable, it can also be used in a way that handles the pain differently when compared to the normal pharmaceutical treatments. What happens is that the patch would give users high doses of THC or CBD through the skin at the area of pain which is taken indirectly into the bloodstream avoiding the first metabolism stage which is handled by the liver.

This process also makes it possible for the patches to be slowly absorbed in minimal or medicinal dosage. It is different from smoking weed which would give you a ”euphoric high” that was off, which can last longer but doesn’t affect it the way cannabis patches do.

Also if you buy a cannabis patch, you won’t get that intoxicating result. Companies that provide patches offer totally different cannabinoids for versatility so you can pick up one which has the effect that is good for you.

How to Use a Cannabis Patch?

If you are using either Hemp oil CBD patch or CBD cannabis patch, the process of intake is basically similar.

Start out by cleaning the skin where you want to apply it, we recommend you make use of alcohol or warm water to do this.

Wipe the area dry and clean and put the patch there and press it so that it sticks. Also, remember to remove the protective liner when doing this.

It is good to know that when choosing the best spot for application, find a place that has minimal or no hair. Never use cannabis patches directly on wounds or damaged skin and always read your manual guide to know how long it would take to use each patch.

Where to Get a Cannabis Patch?

Patches have been present for a number of years and most industries have successfully started manufacturing and distributing patches. Over the years, a company, Mary’s Medicinals has gained public recognition for its cannabis-infused patch products. They sell them in places where there is a legal use of medicinal or recreational marijuana.

Mary’s Medicinals gives users 6 options that are distinct in their profiles and these are:

  • THC-Sativa
  • THC-Indica
  • THCa
  • CBN
  • CBD
  • 1:1 CBD: THC

The THC-Indica and THC-Sativa patches are the most sorted after by lovers of marijuana. For users who don’t want the high feeling, they also have products that you can select from.

The company has been around over the years and its products have been advertised and reviewed in different sites due to its pain-numbing, anti-inflammatory, antidepressants, and healing effects.

When I researched this company, I was stunned to know that the company has its own in-house quality control lab which has two chemists supervising all tests. They also make use of natural plants making it possible to produce a result that is more potent than the ones sold abroad.

You can decide to go for a selection of patches including:

10 mg – CBD/THC or CBD/CBN/THC

20 mg – THC Sativa or THC Indica

10mg – Hemp Extract (marketed through Mary’s distributors)

Well, they must be doing something right because just the way CNN stated, they have sold more than a million patch products since they launched back in 2013.


The cannabis industry is changing constantly and thanks to the soft hands on the law, a lot of products are coming out on the shelves. Patches are one of these.

Whether you want to go for Mary’s Medicinals or some other industry you have heard of, just know that patches are the new painkillers. Currently, you can buy Hemp, THC, or CBD Based patches and these products allow a high percentage of absorption when placed side by side with reliable products.

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