Best Things To Do While Stoned

December 28, 2020

It’s a known fact that you can do anything and enjoy any occasion, even more, when you are high. In some cases, however, you may find yourself feeling idle if you don’t have a clear plan of what you want to do when you are stoned. So, to make the most of it, we’ve outlined the 12 best things to do while stoned.

What To Do When High

There’s a myriad of activities you can do when you are stoned. It all depends on how you are feeling – do you want to be more on your feet or relax? Do you feel creative? Or imaginative? Think of these key factors and then, check out the list of best things to do while stoned to find the ultimate option.

Try Out Cooking

You will be most satisfied when you test your culinary skills whilst high. After all, nothing beats firing up those taste buds and reinvigorate your appetite when a generous serving of a joint.  You can do anything you want in your kitchen – whether you want to sear up that steak you’ve been hogging in your refrigerator or simply whip up a fancy guac dip and pair it up with the bag of chips you’ve been hiding in the cupboard.

One thing is for sure, getting stoned is the best way to elevate your craving for the juiciest meals (and of course, the will to whip it up!).

Read A Book

Another benefit of getting stoned is the increased focus it offers. So, find the perfect book to read when you are stoned and you’ll be hooked for hours.  Sure, this may not work for everyone, however, pairing up the right kind of high with the perfect book can do wonders ten times more than you would if you were nit high – leaving you turning page after page.

Plus, you put your sense of imagination to good use compared to if you decided to watch a movie.

Relax In The Tub

Sometimes, you may not necessarily need to engage in strenuous activity or one that requires so much of your mental focus. In fact, after a stressful day or week, soaking in your tub is the best and affordable aromatherapy. You can even make things more interested by adding up a few elements.

You can dim your bathroom lights or light candles,  get a nice cold drink, put on your favorite music or podcast, mix up your best calming salts and bubbles – try out lavender for the ultimate relaxation! After the bath, you will feel like a new person – calm and relaxed.

Listen to Music

Music doesn’t have to be limited to your tub. You can listen to it whenever you want. However repetitive it may sound to listen to music when you are stoned, it is still one of the best experiences.

Pairing your favorite playlist with your high gets you long-lasting and satisfying pleasure. It’s another very good form of therapy for relaxation. You can listen to any genre you want – classical, RnB, country, hip hop, whatever works for you!

Watch A Movie

If reading a book isn’t appealing to you at the moment, you can switch it up to a movie. You can watch anything – be it an action-packed picture or one that gets you into thinking mode. After all, you will still have your imaginative powers – so this is a great time to indulge yourself and make it even more fun by thinking of the different routes the movie can take.

Go For A Run (or do yoga)

Yes, you read right. Getting high makes it perfect to perform non-strenuous exercises such as running, jogging, and even, yoga. After all, getting stoned significantly improves mental focus. Activities such as running, jogging, and yoga require adequate patience and mental flexibility.

Thus, being stoned can significantly improve your level of patience and endurance – allowing time to go by as you finish your running trail or keep your eyes closed as your focus during yoga.

Try Video Games

Playing video games whilst high adds excitement. After all, when you are stoned, you will experience an extra dimension of the virtual world to make gaming more realistic. Your focused brain allows you to capture the sounds even better and enjoy the imagery and graphics more vividly.

Be Creative

If you don’t want an inch of sweat on your body – you can opt for less active indulgences. One way of doing so is by getting creative. The realm of creativity is quite wide – you can do anything you want. Whether you want to paint, sketch, sew, or even do crafts, the sky is the limit. If you have company, you can even rent out a karaoke machine to have your own little concert – just don’t wake the neighbors!


Whilst not everyone experiences this, writing after getting stoned is a great way to pump up your writing skills (and motivation to write). You can pen down anything on your journal or notebook – whether it’s a story or poem.

After all, a stoned mind comes with extensive imagination, creativity, and even, a pool of artistic wording. In other times, you can simply jot down anything you want really – whether it’s a personal letter to your friend or your bucket list draft.

Find Your Zen

Yoga doesn’t only fall under the core strength and flexibility category. It is also a great way to find your zen and improve mental function. Smoking weed alone helps you to relax more – soothing the muscles and alleviating pain. However, pairing it with yoga is a great way to relax, even more, heal the body, and enhance your mental focus. Alternatively, you can even opt for pilates or meditation.

Clean Up

The significant mental focus and endurance you get from getting stoned can be put to good use in cleaning and organizing your living space.  Clear out the wardrobe, declutter your home, mop, wipe, and vacuum – you will not only be impressed with the results after but, even relax and rest better after you are done. Plus, when cleaning while you are high, it will be more of therapy than work – it offers a perfect solution to getting tasks done and out of the way when you are really into it.

Get Social

Sometimes, you don’t necessarily have to engage in any physical task.  With the right strain of weed, you can get your socializing person in action; allowing you to connect with friends. In your talkative phase, you can simply enjoy a casual conversation and connect better.

If you have that family member or a friend you haven’t talked to since you had that little quarrel, this may be the best time to have an open and relaxed conversation.


Again, with the myriad of activities to engage in there isn’t a reason why you should be idle when stoned. Envision yourself while stone and what makes you comfortable. You will most certainly find what works for you from the list of the best things to do while stoned outlined above.

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